
Travel To A New World #TheBlindList


If the world invites me for a blind date, I would say ‘Yes, yes, a million times yes!’ The world is full of beautiful places, however, I want the blind date to be nothing less than a fairy tale.

I often dream about a place where the cuckoo’s mellifluous voice is not muffled by the cacophony of a city. A place where the pure breeze plays the symphony and infectiously sashays around. A place where the river stream waltz with the rocks, with mystical hues that haven’t been named yet. A place where the clouds pour the elixir of raindrops on me and the puddles are effervescent with the earthy smell.

I dream about a place where the horizon is far, but the dream to catch the distant stars is real.  A place where the mountains evoke the raw passion in me to conquer it and the sea ready to engulf all the worldly sadness. A place where there are no prejudices and everyone is equal. A place where there are no judgments, where we break free, where one love binds our hearts.  A place where I fall in love with the world and with myself all over again. A place which I travel to explore and end up exploring myself. 

Not sure if such a place exists on the map. But we can try and create this dream world wherever we are.  We just need to be little kinder to the stranger. Spread the smile, be content with what we have and light the flame of love in the hearts of the people we meet. 

I will be ready with my backpack when the world comes calling. What’s in my backpack you ask? The stuff that beautiful dreams are made up of- hope.

So the world, my question is What are we waiting for? #SayYesToTheWorld

Share your bucket list and get a chance to win The Blind List, an unforgettable enriching experience by Lufthansa. Say yes to the world! This post is for the Lufthansa in association with IndiBlogger

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